Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Conversations with the bitter infertile (me)

I keep saying Facebook is the devil and damn if it doesn't keep proving me right. Here's the story:
This girl I know from High School started trying to get pregnant in like, April/May of last year, right after her wedding. We had talked about Curtis & mine's struggle and that we were going to see a fertility specialist in August. I guess somewhere along the line in January, she deactivated her page because I stopped seeing posts from her. She just came back on Facebook last week and posted a status: "Me and my husband are finally pregnant after a year of trying! So happy!!" I was so jealous I promptly hid all her status reports and decided that ignoring her was the best option. So since then I have not seen ANYTHING she has posted. Apparently, she decided to message me. Here's the conversation we had yesterday...

Now, before I get in to this a little further, I guess I should explain some things. I did not "come out" on Facebook about our infertility for pity. I do not expect people to sympathize or tell me day in and day out how sorry they are that we are having to go through this. I told all of those on my friends list (in December) because I want infertility to not be a taboo subject anymore. I was also hoping that I would be able to find someone struggling like we are so we can bitch and moan about all of it together. It was not about attention and it's NOT all I talk about. If you were my friend on Facebook, you would see that I rarely bring it up and I still go about my regular trying-to-be-witty status updates. 
With that being said, I still have feelings and I still feel hurt/jealous when other women end up pregnant. I seem like I'm handling all of this ok, and maybe I am, but it still gets to me. And for this friend to try and have that conversation with me, felt like a rub in my face. Let's say she didn't know about our infertility and that she was just asking me a question. This is not her first pregnancy. She has two other kids. She also has 438 other friends she could've asked this question too. Why me? She knows I have never been pregnant. I'm obviously not pregnant now. Nor do I even have a medical degree of any sort. I even asked her after this screenshot, "I mean this in the nicest way possible, but why did you ask me?" She responded with, "I know. I thought I would just try." Try what exactly?? I still cannot justify this inquiry in my head at all, even after sleeping on it and having Starbucks this morning. What the actual hell was the point? Did I expect her to message me and say, "Oh, I'm so sorry that you and Curtis still are not pregnant. Hang in there, it will happen"?? Maybe a little. I by no means expect people to apologize for getting pregnant, but a little tact never hurt. Jumping right in to the conversation without any thought to acknowledge my feelings or my struggles just seemed selfish. Blame it on jealousy, or the fact that I can be quite the bitter infertile, but this was just plain rude. Well-meaning intentions or not. 

On to some good news...or just news: We've hit the middle mark of the two week wait. We've got one more week and then I can freely test, although I'm not sure I'm going to this time. I think I'm going to just wait until past d-day and then go from there. At this point, d-day is next Monday, so Tuesday will be the final hour. As always, prayers/thoughts/baby dust are welcome! Even some comments, if you're feeling particularly froggy...

Have a good one y'all! 

1 comment:

  1. Let me tell you, I was REAL close to deleting her. I already hid all of her status updates and what not, so I don't even see her now. I'm glad that I wasn't just over-reacting though!! She was completely insensitive and out of line.
