Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bill & Giuliana Rancic

Folks, you are looking at the ONLY celebrity couple that I am so overjoyed has finally become parents that I legit start to tear-up. *Two fingers up in what I hope is the boy-scouts salute* Scouts honor! You can always tell when you've been trying to conceive for an ungodly, unnatural amount of time when you are in a race to conceive before people you don't even know. For example: Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus, ANY Jersey Shore cast members (besides Snooki, obviously), the little girl that plays Lilly from Modern Family...I really could go on with this list. Since I have long given up trying to get pregnant before the people I do know, I have taken to competing with celebrities. Which in turn causes more pain than I originally thought it would. Case in point: Megan Fox. I loved me some Megan Fox. I stood by her after she got dropped from the Transformers movies...even after she gave horrible interview after horrible interview. I was a Megan Fox supporter, ride or die. Megan Fox is pregnant?? Bitch can die. Seriously. I hate her stinkin' guts now. Adele can too! I used to belt out her songs like I was right up on stage with her joining in on the "Oy! You don't like my size? You can snog my arse you bloody bugger!" attitude. Now? I hope she drowns or catches on fire in the rain that is also on fire. I'm.not.even.joking. 

Now that I've experienced those reactions, I fear for my other relationships with celebrities. I adore Miranda Lambert. Her and Blake Shelton are total adorbs and I want to nom on their cuteness. If she gets preggers before me I'll probably hope that all her rescue dogs gang up on her and eat her selfish, pregnant ass! Emma Stone too! If that ginger pops out any little spidey's, our relationship, that may be one-sided, will be over. OVER I TELL YOU!  

Back to Bill and Giuliana though. I love them. I'm so happy for them and I truly mean it from the bottom of my heart. Maybe it's just through the infertility connection or maybe cause they seem like genuinely decent people, I'm not sure. I just know that I cried when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and I cried when news broke of the surrogate and, you guessed it, I'm crying because they finally got a take home child. After all they've been through, they so deserve it. I honestly wish that I knew these people in person so that I could congratulate them, but alas, I don't, so my congratulations is here: Congratulations Bill & Giuliana! Little Edward has no idea how lucky he is, but he will. 

And to the rest of you've been warned...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Rescheduling, Rice Socks & Redneckery

Welp, I've done it again. I've been absent like I promised you I wouldn't. Am I starting to sound like a broken record or what? I'm sorry. Allow me to explain:

First off, we got the step-kiddo back to his Mother, whom immediately started unnecessary drama. Why? Just because she wanted to. Or she's miserable in her life again and wants to take it out on us. Who knows what goes on in her batshit-crazy "brain". Anyways, this isn't a stepmom-complainin', baby-mama-bashin' blog...this is about far more important things! Like my Vagina! And Uterus! And Sperm! HUZZAH!

Our initial consultation with the RE had to be rescheduled. Work has been so hectic for me lately that I've been scared to ask my boss for time off. I have rescheduled it for September 4th, which also works perfectly with Curtis' schedule so he can attend with me. So, once again, we're on a bit of a hold, but it's ok. I'm just hoping that the RE and I can work around my work schedule. When I discussed with my boss that I was returning to treatments, she seemed a bit...unsure. With the budget cuts and tension around my office, there is a lot of focus on what everyone else is contributing. So it seems that if I am going to need a bunch of time off work again (ultrasounds, bloodwork, etc.), and we can't work around the time frame of work, we may have to push it all back until next year. I'm trying really hard not to borrow trouble, but this worries me as I don't want to wait anymore. Cross your fingers for us!

In the meantime, we're just trying to accrue as much overtime as we can and save as much money as possible. The IUI's were quoted to me at about $1,100 a pop and while I've still had about $100 per paycheck go to our Health Savings Account, we've had dentist visits for the stepkiddo and new glasses for the hubs so I'm not sure it can get us through much more than two IUI's. The rest will have to be true out of pocket.
I also started cycle day 1 today. I was so desperate for relief from my cramps that I took to Tumblr for advice. Normally a heating pad is what it takes to help me out. No pain medication has helped except extra-strength midol, which I am stock out of! A friend of mine told me her mom would take rice, put it in a sock and heat it up in the microwave. So do you know what this classy lady (ME) did?

If you guessed A) Take your sock off, take rice from the Healthy Choice Steamers lunch thingy, and do exactly what your friend guessed correct! And you know what? I'm not ashamed in the least right now because after two nuke sessions and scalding my abdomen, I'm essentially cramp free. Thanks Tumblr friend!! I apologize if you thought you were reading the life of some soft, lady-like, woman...I thought the wine in a red solo cup would give it away, but if not this ^^ sure solidified it!

By the way, I got my first pedicure in about 9 months last night (hence the pink toes). The poor lady had to strong arm the HELL out of my callouses. I mean, to the point where she even commented, "Whoa! There a lot!" and the women next to me snickered. Awesome. I just blushed and muttered I'm sorry and went back to ducking behind a magazine. Also, another insight to yours truly, I got pick cause of the new Jason Aldean song, "Take a little ride". But for the record, Chevy sucks, Ford Rules. End of story.

Well, I think I've sufficiently weirded you all out, so I'm gonna go ahead and get back to work. Hopefully I think of some other witty (or in my case what I think is witty, most think is bizarre...and not in the good Honey Boo Boo bizarre, just the normal bizarre where people stare but keep walking) things to post about. Y'all come back now ya hear! And as always, baby dust and good vibes!
