Friday, September 30, 2011

Oh it's SO embarrassing!!

Curtis had his "test" this morning and to spare him further embarrassment I won't go in to very much detail, or actually any detail at all. I know you were all dying to hear how it went *snicker*, but I thought I'd be a nice wife (for once) and just leave it at that. I will however discuss that I am SO hoping that his counts are good and his "boys" are strong swimmers. I'd rather we didn't have a bunch of odds against us, ya know, just a couple.

Last night we made the decision to let his family know what was going on. Most of my family knows already (i.e. Brother, Mother and Nana), so I figured we ought to give his side a heads up as well. This will hopefully make the upcoming holidays a bit easier. This way we're not bombarded with, "When are you guys gonna have a baby? Oh did you hear that so-n-so is expecting? Blah blah baby blah?" If they know what we're going through, hopefully the rage-inducing (rage on my part) comments will be kept to a minimum. Hopefully.

Funny story: After my HSG test, I was given instruction to not have sex for 3 days. Prior to Curtis' "test", he was to abstain from sex (the kind with me and the kind with rosy palm) for 4 days. This left us one day to have sex this week. Just one. For a couple trying to have a baby, they were really wanting to keep us from "trying"! And wouldn't you know, as fate would have it, that one day was our 2-year wedding anniversary! We were both working that day, so I had plans to come home, do my 30 Day Shred DVD, shower, slip in to something more appropriate and start dinner. OF COURSE, my grandmother-in-law shows up that day to drop off a card and then sit and talk until Curtis walked through the front door. Totally. by. accident. She. tried. to. leave. but. we. JUST.KEPT.TALKING. My dearest husband, being such a subtle man, then told his grandmother, "Grandma, it's nice to see you, but you need to leave. Lindsay and I are gonna do the nasty." Such a poetic vocabulary that man has! In a matter of 30 seconds, he completed what I had been trying to for the last 1 1/2 hours. Skills, that's what that is. Of course, shortly after dinner, fireworks and love and passion and yuck and the most romantic thing I do which is prop a pillow under my ass with my legs in the air for 15 minutes. Yup. That's me. Sexiest wife of the year. We were told that some people get lucky enough to get pregnant after their HSG because it essentially "cleaned the pipes". Of course, I have no idea if I was ovulating on that day or even the day before or after, but being the eternal optimist I am (sense the sarcasm??), here's to hoping that this blog could change to a pregnancy blog!

Speaking of HSG, the nurse called me and told me that the results came back normal. Awesome! No blockage or double uterus or anything that they could see from that test. Now we just wait on Curtis' results and then our appointment with my doctor on 20th to discuss the Get Lindsay Knocked Up Plan.

Maybe I should change the name of this blog to that...has a nice little ring to it don't you think?

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