Friday, September 16, 2011

Things NOT to say to a TTC-er

I came across this blog and I stalkishly started back at her first post. About three posts in, I found this post. I'll copy and paste so you don't have to continue clicking like a damn scavenger hunt:

What NOT to say to a TTCer.
These are all things that people have said to me. For realsies.

"Just Relax." Thanks for that gem! So useful and helpful to my situation.
I'll tell you this: the first 6 months, I was SO relaxed. I was Al Bundy, hands down my pants while sippin a brewsky and watching TV, relaxed. Guess what? That didn't make me pregnant! I know, hard to believe, right?!

"Just get really drunk, then do it!"
You're probably right! I bet alcohol really kicks the old reproductive plumbing into gear! I bet all the infertility drug companies are marketing Absolut in pill form as Clomid and charging all us dumbass infertiles triple. Fucking geniuses!

Just because someone you know, or a friend of a friend of a sister's brother in law got pregnant at a massive kegger, doesn't mean that it was the alcohol. It was the fact that she forgot to take her pill and didn't make the guy wear a condom. I know it sounds really OUT THERE, but trust me.

"Just Adopt! As soon as you do, you'll get pregnant!"Wha wha what?? I really don't see the relation between making the decision to adopt and getting pregnant. If you're thinking it would make me relax, you're wrong (and also, relaxation does not a baby make. See above).

"Try *this* position!" Really? I've tried top, bottom, top then bottom, bottom then top, froggy style, doggy style, wheel-barrow, reverse cowgirl, from the side, and in the ear. I've been screwed 7ways to Sunday until the cows came home, put on their pajamas and watched Leno. None of them have worked so far, but I bet THAT position will do it!

"Stand on your head after sex." Hey, I'll try that! I'll also make sure to kick you in the face, after I recover from my very serious
neck injury and my chiropractor says I can kick people in the face again.

"Go on vacation!" You could be correct. First, I will try relaxing. If that doesn't work, I will spend a ton of money on a vacation. It must be the magical combination of sand crotch and semen and friction. It doesn't even matter when you go - I've heard that you automatically ovulate every day at noon in Cancun. Siesta my ass! They're all making babies!

"Put eggwhites in your vagina"You're gross. Don't talk to me ever again. Ever. Also, don't ever plan on getting pregnant, because your husband will permenantly lose the ability to create an erection after you suggest this.

"Have more sex!" Really? Sex makes babies? I TOTALLY wasted that $5000 deposit at I better get a refund! I wonder if they are a BBB member??

"Have fun trying!" Ok, even I know this is innocent. I know people say this because they are uncomfortable and are trying to be positive. But it's obnoxious. If you say this, stop immediately.

"I wish I could give you some of my fertility, because I. Am. Fertile!"
This could be best shown by example, I think.

What? You lost both of your legs in a tragic sledding accident? Wow! I wish I could share my legs with you, because I have TWO and I am so lazy. I hate walking around. I would sit all the time if I could, but I just have so damn many legs!

*do you see what I did there? rubbed my legs in your stump-ass face?*
Please do not rub your fertility in my face. I think you're an asshole, and I keep that to myself. Also, I think your ass looks fat in those pants, yet I refrain. Please: return the favor.

"When are you going to start a family?" AKA: When are you going to have kids? When are you going to get pregnant already? Have you started trying for a baby? Why not? Tick tock!
Oh my sweet baby jesus christ! If there was an Emmy for nosiest motherfucker, you would win! Ask once, and if you don't get an answer, then TAKE A HINT!

Here's the bottom line: The only right thing to say is "I'm sorry, that really sucks. I hope it happens for you soon." It also doesn't hurt to just listen.

I thought I'd go ahead and add my own in there:

"'Hubs' already has a kid. Do you think there's something wrong with you?"
No way! I don't think that at all....excuse me while I go cry in the corner in the fetal position. Of course I think it's me. Of course, being the person I am, I place all of the blame on me. Thanks for pointing it out once again.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot

    Do You Think You Are Financially READY For Another?
    - Um...because everyone whose ever had a baby,had boatloads of money as prep?

    Just Be Patient,Let Nature Take It's Course!
    - Cause these 5 years we HAVE been waiting,we're patient enough,I need to wait until my pussy juices turn into sawdust?

    I tell folks I wish I could give them my uterus. Cause I do. I swear,if I could legally sell it,medically cut it out and give it to the needy,I would. It's the uterus of DOOM! When we had the $$ for a baby,nope. Not happening. When we were broke like $2 hookers,OH LOOKIE! A BEBE!!

    That's not bragging FYI. That's just a pity party of 1 plus all the damn kids my uterus spit out ;)

    - XOXO Dragon
