Thursday, February 23, 2012

1 week left

This 2 week wait is going by SO SLOW. I have spent as much of it "relaxing" as I could, hoping that it will help, but I think that's only making it drag on. This past weekend we went camping with my brother S, his fiance B, my other brother Z, his girlfriend J, and S's friend J, and J's girlfriend K. It was...ok. It rained all Thursday night and most of Friday with temperatures around 30 degrees. Saturday was warm, but I'd had all I could take so we left that day. Sunday we bought a pontoon boat, which I was stressing about because $5,000 was a lot to drop in one purchase, but I really think it will be worth it this summer. We spend SO MUCH TIME out at the lake or river during the warmer months, but it's always a hassle because we have to fish off the shore. We can go out to the other side of the lake or troll around islands and see what we can catch. Now, with this boat, we can! I also think my stepson is going to LOVE it when he comes out this summer. I can't wait to see his face! Not to mention just see him in general. I've really missed him, as has Curtis, and judging from pictures we've seen recently, he looks like he's grown so much! That makes sense as it's been almost a year since we've seen him....

In other news, all I want to do is pee on a stick. I've refrained, of course, because I don't want to jinx it, but every time I go to the bathroom and wipe, I make sure there's no blood. In this next week, everyday I pass without that will be a tiny victory. Crazy, yea, I know. I'm still staying optimistic, well, as optimistic as I can. I'm feeling no symptoms whatsoever. If anything, I feel exhausted, but that could be from the cold I have and the lack of caffeine. Other than that my boobs are fine, I cramped a bit the other day, I've seen no blood, and I have no nausea. I keep hoping those things, besides the blood, will creep up soon. In the meantime, my fingers are still crossed and I'm asking everyone who knows for a little baby dust. Hey, it couldn't hurt!

Also, there has been quite a bit of activity on my page...most of it is from Tumblr and Pinterest. If you're following me, or reading this periodically, I would LOVE for you to introduce yourself or just give a quick, "Hi!". I promise I'm really nice person and I love to meet new people! C'mon....

As always, keep the prayers/thoughts/baby dust coming this way! We've got just a handful of days left before I'm confident on testing... Thanks so much for sticking around! You guys will be the first to know!

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