After 28 week maternity leave, everything seemed to still be doing fine. I wasn't having any Braxton hicks (that I knew of) and just hung out at home occasionally running to the store or wherever, finishing up the nursery, chores, etc.
Then 31 weeks hit and I had a night where I felt the contractions. I was timing them six-ten minutes apart. By the time we got to our local hospital, they were two minutes apart lasting 40 seconds each. I was not feeling them enough to notice them!
Two shots of terbutaline and I was sent home.
That was a the Saturday before last. I put myself on full bedrest and awaited my appt on Thursday with my doctor.
Thursday came and she decided to check my cervix. She found it to be dilated to 2cm and 70% effaced. She agreed to the bedrest and wanted me seen by another doctor in one week (she was on vacay) to assess if I'm further dilating.
Leading us to yesterday. That doctor said I was at a "soft one" but she wasn't going to stick her finger in to my cervix to further check. She also suggested that we go to the hospital for steroid shots as we were nearing their 34 week deadline to receive them.
Of course we get to the hospital and I'm having a lot of "uterine irritability" which roughly translates to menstrual cramping The doctor on call makes the decision to give me some meds to stop the irritability as steroids can actually cause it to ramp up. Then he decides to keep me until the steroid window (48th hour after the last shot of roids, considered the time that the roids are in full effect). Meaning I'm at le hospital til Thursday at 3:20 pm at the earliest.
They also did a Fetal Fibronectin test that will tell them if my body intends on starting labor in the next two weeks, or if we're looking like we got more time. If that comes back positive, I'm willing to bet the farm that I'm here until baby time. They just hate the distance between the big city and our hometown, and especially our hometown hospitals facilities. They just plain aren't capable of handing our needs if the babies come early. And as much as a helicopter ride sounds cool, I'm sure the amount that will cost does not.
I also am still not feeling my contractions. The only thing that bothers me is my lower back, but that is constant. I actually started contracting earlier this morning, 2 minutes apart again, was asleep through them all. I had to get another shot of the powerful stuff, terbutaline. Let me tell you, terbutaline and ambien together is fucking cray cray. All I wanted to do was sleep while my heart just wanted to burst from my chest! Thankfully it finally wore off so I could get some more sleep.
Until now. It's 4:40am and I've been u for almost an hour. Trying to be quiet since Curtis is sleeping....well, trying too. The nurses every two hours make that difficult. Plus he's worried about me and the babes.
Speaking of babes, baby boy is measuring as my chunker coming in at 5lbs 2oz and baby girl is pulling a solid 4lbs 7oz. Nice to hear that they are getting bigger and we saw them practice breathing yesterday. It gives me hope that we might not be in the NICU for too long of my body gives up....not that I blame it, I'm measuring 40 weeks!
Anyway, I'm sorry for the lack of posts and updates. I should have some belly shots to share soon as I find my camera. Lord help me I hope Curtis packed it!! He already forgot my deodorant and lotion...poor guy is just stressed to the max right now :(
Well, as always peace love and baby dust!! Hope all is well with ya'll!!
Our journey through infertility while my doctor chants, "try not to stress"...To finding out we're pregnant (finally!) with TWINS!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Well, it's official: The babies and I are on maternity leave/modified bed rest. Don't worry, there's nothing seriously wrong. I didn't lie when I said there were no signs of labor. Let me give you the break down:
On Saturday April 7th, the babies and I had our first trip to Triage (the labor and delivery ward of the hospital). I had been having problems breathing for a couple days prior and my pulse (according to our Pulse-Ox) was over 100 consistently. When I was in the shower on Saturday morning and had to sit down for fear I would fall over, I knew I had to call the doctor. The doctor on call suggested that we go to Triage. She said it could be due to Gestational Diabetes (I'll get to that mess later) or Thyroid issues (which run in my family) or any other number of things. So away we went to the big city. There, they did an EKG, Non-Stress Test, and just monitored me. After about an hour, they determined that I'm basically just dealing with normal pregnant-with-twins symptoms. Since my uterus is directly under my rib-cage and all my organs have been smooshed up to accommodate my growing minions, my diaphragm is unable to completely open when I need to take deep breaths. So, my breathing becomes a bit labored. Then, I am also carrying around an additional quart of blood due to the babes, so my heart is having extra fun pumping the additional blood around, thus my raised pulse. My blood pressure is still fantastic, my EKG was fine as well, so they don't think it's anything super serious. The did recommend that I go on Maternity leave though. They said getting up and getting ready, driving to work, actually being at work, etc, doesn't help me get the opportunity to truly relax, and causes my symptoms to get worse. I told them that I was meeting with my doc on the following Thursday so I would talk to her. They then discharged me and we were on our way.
Fast forward to Thursday. My doctor asks me about the trip to triage. I told her about it and told her that from 26 weeks, when I last saw her, I felt as though everything went downhill. I feel miserable, my pulse racing and shortness of breath worries me, and my pubic symphysis is awful. She said that she pretty much figured all of that and made the decision to put the babies and I on leave from work. I will admit, I felt a bit guilty when calling my boss and human resources manager, I had hoped to make it to 32 weeks before leaving, but I can admit that since I have been home I've been sleeping and feeling better. I still get the symptoms, but if I stretch my torso and breath in to a paper bag, I am able to go a bit longer between episodes.
As for everything else with the babies, everything looks good. We're now seeing the doctor every 2 weeks and will soon begin our twice weekly testing.
Now, for the Gestational Diabetes fiasco. I took the test on Friday the 6th. Thankfully I was able to do the test at the hospital in our town. Of course, the women gave me nothing but trouble since I didn't fast and "You're supposed to fast! You're going to fail the test now..." No matter that I had shown them the directions from my doctor that specifically said that I didn't need to fast for the 1 hour glucose test. They still gave me dirty looks and snide comments.
Now for the fun part. While in the appointment I asked my doctor for the results. Turns out they never got them and were unable to get them while we were there. They promised to call with the results soon. UGH. So we'll have to wait on those results just a bit longer...
I think that's about it for now. See ya in 2 weeks with the 30 week update!! We're in the 3rd trimester guys!
On Saturday April 7th, the babies and I had our first trip to Triage (the labor and delivery ward of the hospital). I had been having problems breathing for a couple days prior and my pulse (according to our Pulse-Ox) was over 100 consistently. When I was in the shower on Saturday morning and had to sit down for fear I would fall over, I knew I had to call the doctor. The doctor on call suggested that we go to Triage. She said it could be due to Gestational Diabetes (I'll get to that mess later) or Thyroid issues (which run in my family) or any other number of things. So away we went to the big city. There, they did an EKG, Non-Stress Test, and just monitored me. After about an hour, they determined that I'm basically just dealing with normal pregnant-with-twins symptoms. Since my uterus is directly under my rib-cage and all my organs have been smooshed up to accommodate my growing minions, my diaphragm is unable to completely open when I need to take deep breaths. So, my breathing becomes a bit labored. Then, I am also carrying around an additional quart of blood due to the babes, so my heart is having extra fun pumping the additional blood around, thus my raised pulse. My blood pressure is still fantastic, my EKG was fine as well, so they don't think it's anything super serious. The did recommend that I go on Maternity leave though. They said getting up and getting ready, driving to work, actually being at work, etc, doesn't help me get the opportunity to truly relax, and causes my symptoms to get worse. I told them that I was meeting with my doc on the following Thursday so I would talk to her. They then discharged me and we were on our way.
Fast forward to Thursday. My doctor asks me about the trip to triage. I told her about it and told her that from 26 weeks, when I last saw her, I felt as though everything went downhill. I feel miserable, my pulse racing and shortness of breath worries me, and my pubic symphysis is awful. She said that she pretty much figured all of that and made the decision to put the babies and I on leave from work. I will admit, I felt a bit guilty when calling my boss and human resources manager, I had hoped to make it to 32 weeks before leaving, but I can admit that since I have been home I've been sleeping and feeling better. I still get the symptoms, but if I stretch my torso and breath in to a paper bag, I am able to go a bit longer between episodes.
As for everything else with the babies, everything looks good. We're now seeing the doctor every 2 weeks and will soon begin our twice weekly testing.
Now, for the Gestational Diabetes fiasco. I took the test on Friday the 6th. Thankfully I was able to do the test at the hospital in our town. Of course, the women gave me nothing but trouble since I didn't fast and "You're supposed to fast! You're going to fail the test now..." No matter that I had shown them the directions from my doctor that specifically said that I didn't need to fast for the 1 hour glucose test. They still gave me dirty looks and snide comments.
Now for the fun part. While in the appointment I asked my doctor for the results. Turns out they never got them and were unable to get them while we were there. They promised to call with the results soon. UGH. So we'll have to wait on those results just a bit longer...
I think that's about it for now. See ya in 2 weeks with the 30 week update!! We're in the 3rd trimester guys!
28 weeks
Pregnancy Survey Fun!
How Far Along: 28 weeks
Weight Gain: 18 lbs
Innie or Outtie: The top part of it is sticking out, but the rest is like flat? IDK
Maternity Clothes: Even those are getting uncomfortable!
Stretch Marks: I have been using Palmers Tummy Butter AND Palmers Cocoa Butter religiously and HOLY STRETCH MARKS did they pop up. Not to mention start itching :(
Sleep: Some nights are good, some nights are miserable. I'm up at 6am every morning.
Pregnancy Perk: Wearing yoga pants or staying in my PJ's all day.
Embarrassing Pregnant Moment: Trying to catch my breath while talking to people and standing/walking.
Baby Purchases this week: None. I actually haven't really left the house so I haven't had the chance.
Best quote regarding baby this week: Nothing really stands out.
Gender: Still a boy and a girl :)
Movement: All the time. You can see it from the outside too now!
Food Cravings: Still chocolate milk or milkshakes or ice cream.
Food Aversions: None.
Labor Signs: None
How’s Mama? Week 26-28 I really went downhill. I'm officially on maternity leave now!
What I am looking forward to: Each week we hit, lol.
Our Baby in Veggie/Fruit Terms:
Milestones: Nursery is pretty much done!! Just waiting on the rest of the stuff from baby showers!
Monday, April 1, 2013
More 26 weeks update
I know many of you are just dyyyyying for a more in-depth update, so who am I to keep you waiting? Hurr hurr.....sorry. Again, I suck.
Last Thursday I had my 4 week growth ultrasound and my every 4 week check up. I was 26 weeks on the dot. First for the ultrasound-
The babies are measuring 1lb 15oz EACH. They are exactly the same size according to whatever Jedi force determines that number. According to my app, a singleton pregnancy the babies weigh around 2lbs 2 oz. According to this website, they are 1 oz over the norm.
Anyway, we got great news that Baby Boy (A) has decided to turn and go vertex!! This made me super excited as I want beyond anything to attempt a vaginal birth. That was, until she measured his head. Maybe the screen makes it look bigger, but DAYUM Son! You got a big freaking head! To also know that they are measuring the same exact size now, makes me a bit more scared. Like, is baby girl still gonna slide right through? Or since she is a fatty like her brother, am I still going to feel everything twice?
After measuring, etc, and listening to perfect heartbeats (153 for him, 144 for her), the tech said, "Peecture tiiiiime!!" at which point baby boy, being the non-shy kid he is (like his mother) turned and grinned and flashed all his stuff for the camera. When baby girl's turn was up, she decided she didn't want to partake in any such nonsense (bratty, like her mother) and the little turd flipped to face my back. I walked out with 8 pictures of baby boy's face/junk/body and 3 pictures of baby girl: 2 of her spine and 1 of the back of her damn head. The tech felt really bad, but what could we do? I tried poking her a couple times, but she was determined to pout and snicker and have a grand ol' time hearing our frustration. I called her a brat the rest of the day and her Dad just found it hilarious. He said, "She knows I want to be surprised about how she looks so she keeps turning from the camera, heh heh."
Anyway, we got great news that Baby Boy (A) has decided to turn and go vertex!! This made me super excited as I want beyond anything to attempt a vaginal birth. That was, until she measured his head. Maybe the screen makes it look bigger, but DAYUM Son! You got a big freaking head! To also know that they are measuring the same exact size now, makes me a bit more scared. Like, is baby girl still gonna slide right through? Or since she is a fatty like her brother, am I still going to feel everything twice?
After measuring, etc, and listening to perfect heartbeats (153 for him, 144 for her), the tech said, "Peecture tiiiiime!!" at which point baby boy, being the non-shy kid he is (like his mother) turned and grinned and flashed all his stuff for the camera. When baby girl's turn was up, she decided she didn't want to partake in any such nonsense (bratty, like her mother) and the little turd flipped to face my back. I walked out with 8 pictures of baby boy's face/junk/body and 3 pictures of baby girl: 2 of her spine and 1 of the back of her damn head. The tech felt really bad, but what could we do? I tried poking her a couple times, but she was determined to pout and snicker and have a grand ol' time hearing our frustration. I called her a brat the rest of the day and her Dad just found it hilarious. He said, "She knows I want to be surprised about how she looks so she keeps turning from the camera, heh heh."
Do we think she's already got him wrapped around her finger? Oh no honey, we KNOW.
Now to doctor appt: She's making the decision to start seeing me every two weeks now. So I'll see her again on the 11th. She also gave me the order form for my Gestational Diabetes test, that I have 2 weeks to go do. UGH. I'm terrfied I'm going to fail since I was chubby before I got pregnant. I know I did the 3 hour test back in August/September and passed with flying colors, but I also know that placenta and babies can fuck it all up so I have the potential to fail this time. Fingers crossed I don't!!
We discussed that at 32 weeks we will be having twice weekly testing. I think it's the non-stress tests. So, at that point she discussed going on maternity/short term disability. Which gives me about a month at work to get all my shit straight before that happens.
We also talked about birth plans. I told her that I want to go vaginally, to which she says if baby boy stays vertex she is willing to try with me. We talked about skin to skin, but I also was asking her what could I be expecting realistically. She said that we'll deliver in the OR, whether it be vaginal or c-section, just in case something goes wrong. She also said there would be a large team there to inspect babies and what not, so skin-to-skin isn't super feesible, especially with two of them. Cause when one is out, I still have another to go. I told her that I pretty much expected that and I know there are SO many things that can go wrong (distress with one, not fitting with one, etc etc), but that I trust her and I know that her focus is to get them out safely. Which, truth be told, is my number one goal as well. I will admit that I am a bit bummed that I won't be able to get a "special birth" or whatever, and that could be the hormones and the fact that this may be my only pregnancy, but I'm not letting it consume me. I'm going in with a total open mind and willing to let what needs to happen/happen. I told her that and explained that I don't intend on typing up a birth plan, then having shit go sideways and then I scream labor rape, ya know? I trust her and as long as we vocalize what is happening along the way, I don't care.
Besides all that, I have gained about 17 lbs, although it feels like A LOT more, and everything is looking great! No more cervix checks until farther along and I am TOTALLY ok with that. haha. Next up is gestational diabetes, figuring out where we want a pediatrician (our little town or the big city) and waiting until maternity leave to pre-register at the hospital.
Now to doctor appt: She's making the decision to start seeing me every two weeks now. So I'll see her again on the 11th. She also gave me the order form for my Gestational Diabetes test, that I have 2 weeks to go do. UGH. I'm terrfied I'm going to fail since I was chubby before I got pregnant. I know I did the 3 hour test back in August/September and passed with flying colors, but I also know that placenta and babies can fuck it all up so I have the potential to fail this time. Fingers crossed I don't!!
We discussed that at 32 weeks we will be having twice weekly testing. I think it's the non-stress tests. So, at that point she discussed going on maternity/short term disability. Which gives me about a month at work to get all my shit straight before that happens.
We also talked about birth plans. I told her that I want to go vaginally, to which she says if baby boy stays vertex she is willing to try with me. We talked about skin to skin, but I also was asking her what could I be expecting realistically. She said that we'll deliver in the OR, whether it be vaginal or c-section, just in case something goes wrong. She also said there would be a large team there to inspect babies and what not, so skin-to-skin isn't super feesible, especially with two of them. Cause when one is out, I still have another to go. I told her that I pretty much expected that and I know there are SO many things that can go wrong (distress with one, not fitting with one, etc etc), but that I trust her and I know that her focus is to get them out safely. Which, truth be told, is my number one goal as well. I will admit that I am a bit bummed that I won't be able to get a "special birth" or whatever, and that could be the hormones and the fact that this may be my only pregnancy, but I'm not letting it consume me. I'm going in with a total open mind and willing to let what needs to happen/happen. I told her that and explained that I don't intend on typing up a birth plan, then having shit go sideways and then I scream labor rape, ya know? I trust her and as long as we vocalize what is happening along the way, I don't care.
Besides all that, I have gained about 17 lbs, although it feels like A LOT more, and everything is looking great! No more cervix checks until farther along and I am TOTALLY ok with that. haha. Next up is gestational diabetes, figuring out where we want a pediatrician (our little town or the big city) and waiting until maternity leave to pre-register at the hospital.
*Quick side note: I want to make it perfectly clear that I am not knocking those who have typed up a birth plan or have had a labor-rape scenario happen. That's not what my intention was by that paragraph. My point was that I understand that things will happen that neither I nor my doctor can control and I'm not going to have my heart set on a specific route when it can change in the blink of an eye. I know there are instances of which doctors don't listen to their patient and the patient is robbed of an experience or they felt helpless. My heart goes out to those. But I have great communication with my doctor and luckily do not have to worry about that. I think with multiple pregnancies, as opposed to singletons, we have to keep a more open mind as to what is going to go down in the hospital room.
If I'm not making sense, or you're still offended, I apologize. It's a Monday, after a holiday, and my feet/back/pelvis/head hurt. Take it easy on me....
Sunday, March 31, 2013
26 weeks
Pregnancy Survey Fun!
How Far Along: 26 weeks 3 days
Weight Gain: 17 lbs
Innie or Outtie: Still hanging on to the innie status.
Maternity Clothes: ONLY lol
Stretch Marks: Let's not talk about it :(
Sleep: Is just a far off wish at this point. I accept it as preparation for when the babies get here and that I'll probably not get sleep again for another 18 years.
Pregnancy Perk: People will do almost anything for me. haha.
Embarrassing Pregnant Moment: Waddling is the worst now. Gas has gotten better, ahaha.
Baby Purchases this week: CAN'T. STOP. BUYING. CLOTHES. but that goes for all my family, lol.
Best quote regarding baby this week: Every single person who tells me that I look small. There's a lot of them actually!
Gender: Still a boy and a girl :)
Movement: All the time. You can see it from the outside too now!
Food Cravings: Still chocolate milk or milkshakes or ice cream.
Food Aversions: None.
Labor Signs: None
How’s Mama? Holding up. My back is getting worse, but my chiropractor is trying to help. I feel like my pelvis, pubic bone, hips and lower back are goners.
What I am looking forward to: Next time I get to see them (4 weeks) and getting my Gestational Diabetes test overwith. Pray that I pass!!
Our Baby in Veggie/Fruit Terms: Cucumbers, although they are weighing 1lb 15oz. A little behind singleton pregnancies.
Milestones: I want to count every week as a milestone! lol. And we got the babies nursery painted finally!!
Friday, March 15, 2013
24 weeks-6 months
Pregnancy Survey Fun!
How Far Along: 24 weeks
Weight Gain: 16 lbs :((
Innie or Outtie: Barely an Innie!!
Maternity Clothes: Strictly maternity pants. Some shirts, but they have to be huge sleep ones.
Stretch Marks: Yup. They're really starting to come out now :((
Sleep: Isn't really happening. I'm exhausted, but in so much pain that I toss and turn constantly. The Pubic Symphysis Separation is awful.
Pregnancy Perk: I'm getting tons of attention, which this Leo loves. haha.
Embarrassing Pregnant Moment: Gas. Waddling. Animal noises when I bend over. People asking if I'm due any day now.
Baby Purchases this week: We bought a bunch of clothes, socks, mittens, and hats the past couple weeks. Now we're really trying to focus on the nursery decorations.
Best quote regarding baby this week: "You don't look 6 months with twins! Your belly is just so perfectly round and smooth. It's like perfect!" - my chiropractor, whom I may have proposed to after that.
Gender: Still a boy and a girl :)
Movement: Constant!! Baby girl is quite the busy bee and baby boy loves to kick his mom in the vagina, which is the weirdest feeling ever.
Food Cravings: Still chocolate milk or milkshakes or ice cream.
Food Aversions: None really, but I haven't tried steak again still.
Labor Signs: None
How’s Mama? Feeling the time constraint of 14 weeks left until we're full term and the nursery isn't done or even hardly started. The Pubic Symphysis is killing me too, but I'm toughing it out until at least 32 weeks. Then I may not make it very much farther.
What I am looking forward to: Next ultrasound to see how much they have grown!
Our Baby in Veggie/Fruit Terms: An ear of corn according to my app.
Milestones: 24 weeks so my babies are now considered viable babies and could survive outside the womb.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Registry Fun
On Sunday Curtis and I ventured out to the big city in order to work on our registry at Babies-R-Us.
What. An. Experience.
First off we get the gun and Curtis immediately takes possession. He did not let me have it besides the minute he had to use the restroom. I'm not even kidding. Sometimes I forget that even though we have the step-kiddo, Curtis didn't get to experience all of the typical things with babies/newborns as he was in the military when Baby Mama was pregnant with James. So I tend to let him have his fun with certain an extent. Of course, he walked through Babies-R-Us scanning everything with his "little princess" in mind. I will admit though, it was very adorable and made me very giddy to see how excited he was.
Ok, enough gushing about how cute my husband is....
I went in to Babies-R-Us with a short list I had compiled and the impression that we would just go down each aisle and scan what we need. HOLY COW DO WE NEED A LOT! I'm not going to lie, I got about halfway through one side of the store and was basically overwhelmed with it all. I'm still going back to the registry online and adding more things that my Mother or Sister point out that we forgot. I still feel like we're not getting enough of certain things (blankets, crib sheets, cloth diapers to use as burp cloths, bottles, etc), but I think we won't know until the babies actually get here. It's even more difficult to pick things when I'm not sure if they will be colicky (therefore requiring a certain bottle) or if one will have an allergy to a specific brand of diapers (hence me not buying diapers yet, which kind of panics me). When I stop to think about all of it, I just want to sit down in one of the gliders and have someone else do it for me. Thankfully we're making a trip down to my hometown next weekend so that my Mom can help me put some more finishing touches on it. We still have plenty of time before the baby showers (no dates have been set), so I am hoping we'll get it all settled by then.
In the meantime, wish us LOTS of luck! And feel free to check out the registry, Name: Lindsay Henderson, and leave some comments on anything else I might need. I am totally up for suggestions!!
What. An. Experience.
First off we get the gun and Curtis immediately takes possession. He did not let me have it besides the minute he had to use the restroom. I'm not even kidding. Sometimes I forget that even though we have the step-kiddo, Curtis didn't get to experience all of the typical things with babies/newborns as he was in the military when Baby Mama was pregnant with James. So I tend to let him have his fun with certain an extent. Of course, he walked through Babies-R-Us scanning everything with his "little princess" in mind. I will admit though, it was very adorable and made me very giddy to see how excited he was.
Ok, enough gushing about how cute my husband is....
I went in to Babies-R-Us with a short list I had compiled and the impression that we would just go down each aisle and scan what we need. HOLY COW DO WE NEED A LOT! I'm not going to lie, I got about halfway through one side of the store and was basically overwhelmed with it all. I'm still going back to the registry online and adding more things that my Mother or Sister point out that we forgot. I still feel like we're not getting enough of certain things (blankets, crib sheets, cloth diapers to use as burp cloths, bottles, etc), but I think we won't know until the babies actually get here. It's even more difficult to pick things when I'm not sure if they will be colicky (therefore requiring a certain bottle) or if one will have an allergy to a specific brand of diapers (hence me not buying diapers yet, which kind of panics me). When I stop to think about all of it, I just want to sit down in one of the gliders and have someone else do it for me. Thankfully we're making a trip down to my hometown next weekend so that my Mom can help me put some more finishing touches on it. We still have plenty of time before the baby showers (no dates have been set), so I am hoping we'll get it all settled by then.
In the meantime, wish us LOTS of luck! And feel free to check out the registry, Name: Lindsay Henderson, and leave some comments on anything else I might need. I am totally up for suggestions!!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
19 weeks aka HALFWAY ALREADY!!
Pregnancy Survey Fun!
How Far Along: 18 weeks 6 days
Weight Gain: 7 lbs
Innie or Outtie: Innie still, but it's getting shallow-er?
Maternity Clothes: A couple weeks after Christmas I got two new outfits from Motherhood. I can't wear very many shirts that aren't huge or maternity and all pants need to be either unbuttoned or stretchy.
Stretch Marks: None that look new or are red, but belly is getting more itchy.
Sleep: Really starting to suck, but I'm sure it's not near as bad as it's going to get! My hips are killing me and I'm having to switch sides every hour to relieve pain. I'm ready for a body pillow!
Pregnancy Perk: Eating like a cow with no judgement, everybody loves a pregnant belly so I get LOADS of attention. haha.
Embarrassing Pregnant Moment: Nothing really stands out...
Baby Purchases this week: The cribs and mattresses!
Best quote regarding baby this week: I had a ton of people tell me at my brother's wedding that I am glowing and absolutely beautiful. Gawrsh you guys!!
Gender: We got a confirmation at our cervical length check that I am indeed carrying a boy AND a girl! I didn't get good pics or anything so I'm going to wait until our appt next week to post more about it :))
Movement: Finally!! It comes in waves and they seem pretty active this far!
Food Cravings: Chocolate Milkshake and nasty McDonald's :((
Food Aversions: Still steak.
Labor Signs: None
How’s Mama? A bit stressed with bills and stuff coming out of the wood works, not to mention effing taxes, but I'm doing better now.
What I am looking forward to: Still the gender scan, even though we know, cause I want more pictures!!
Our Baby in Veggie/Fruit Terms: My app says Mangos (6 inches and 1/2 lb), but I assume we'll know more on Wednesday.
Milestones: Movement (finally!!), cervical length is great (6cm!!) and we're at the halfway mark!!!
No urge to blog??
To say that I've had a lot of people getting on to me about keeping up with this blog, would be an understatement. Initially, as we passed each milestone (and consequently realized that these babies were here to stay), I assumed that I would be blogging NON-STOP. To my surprise, I've been pretty mum about my pregnancy. You all know me as the blogger who had no problem talking about her vagina and reproductive system when dealing with infertility. For me to be keeping my silence is very strange, even I know that! And to be honest with you, I can't really explain why. I could chock it up to getting home at night and wanting nothing more than to sit on my butt and do nothing. Or I could tell you that I've been crazy busy with my brother's wedding that was this past Friday, that I was down in Tucson half of the month of January. These, I'm sure, are legitimate excuses as to why I haven't had the time to blog, but truth is I just haven't really felt like it. Are there days I still worry and feel like something is going to happen to the babies? Like I'm just going to wake up and no longer be pregnant? Yes. I'm not sure if that's normal or if I am just a worrywart (Curtis would say it is the latter), but maybe that's contributing to my lack of "posting" about them. I've even kept pretty mum on Facebook and Instagram. And while I'd like to sit here and tell you (my few faithful readers) that "I'll do better" and "I promise to blog more", I'd be lying. I will tell you this, I am doing my damnedest to try and keep up with the monthly updates. I correspond our months with my doctor's appointments as that's when I have the most updating. All that really happens in between is me complaining of lack of sleep and OHMYGAWD how big I've gotten!
So please know that I am trying and that if you are just dying for an update from me, the best way to get answers is to just ask me. I'd like to pretend that I'll be one of those bloggers who will give before and after pics of the nursery, certain items I really want, etc., but let's be real...I am not. I suck. Plain and simple.
Now, for the monthly update:
Last Tuesday, the 29th, was my 18 week update. I was technically 17 weeks 5 days, but since I had my brother's wedding on Friday (rehearsal dinner on Thursday) I had to plan it two days early. As usual, everything went great! I'd been having some apprehension as I wasn't feeling the babies yet and wanted to make sure they were ok, so as soon as that fetal doppler picked up their little heartbeats, I was in heaven. I remember telling Curtis after the appointment that his laugh (genuine laugh) was my favorite sound in the world...before these little babies came in to our lives. Now, their heartbeats are my #1. It actually makes me wish I had bought a doppler sooner, but I was trying to not be so crazy! (Obviously it's working...)
We did discuss the sharp pains and such that I've been having. She said they were pretty standard and that some Tylenol and rest should take care of them, but I voiced my concern on my cervix. Standard length for a cervix right now is 2.5-3cm. Anything shorter than 2.5cm will need to be monitored and possibly put me on bedrest, as the gravity of the babies and fluid and placentas is possibly causing the cervix to shorten. She did a check with her hand and said that it was "High and closed (no dilation) which is very good", but she can't feel all of my cervix to measure the length. Therefore, I have another ultrasound scheduled tomorrow to make sure that it's holding up. Fingers crossed that it's staying solid and we don't have to talk about bedrest or anything like that!
As for everything else baby related, we ordered the cribs off of Amazon Mom (which I'm a member of due to Amazon Prime). They had a deal where if you bought a select style crib, you got a mattress for free. So we bought two and got two mattresses for about $380! Not a bad deal! Also, my mom bought us the Snug-A-Monkey swing from Target. With purchasing that when she did, she got the matching bouncer for free...can you tell we're all about deals with these babies?! So on my long. long list of things we need for the babies, we can cross of mattresses, cribs, swing and bouncer. Slowly making progress!! Next big purchase to come up is the carseats. I'm going to put that on our registries though.
Like I normally do, after this post will be the follow up, monthly quiz along with belly pic. I know you're all dying to see how much I look like a whale, haha.
Until next time, lots of love and baby dust!
So please know that I am trying and that if you are just dying for an update from me, the best way to get answers is to just ask me. I'd like to pretend that I'll be one of those bloggers who will give before and after pics of the nursery, certain items I really want, etc., but let's be real...I am not. I suck. Plain and simple.
Now, for the monthly update:
Last Tuesday, the 29th, was my 18 week update. I was technically 17 weeks 5 days, but since I had my brother's wedding on Friday (rehearsal dinner on Thursday) I had to plan it two days early. As usual, everything went great! I'd been having some apprehension as I wasn't feeling the babies yet and wanted to make sure they were ok, so as soon as that fetal doppler picked up their little heartbeats, I was in heaven. I remember telling Curtis after the appointment that his laugh (genuine laugh) was my favorite sound in the world...before these little babies came in to our lives. Now, their heartbeats are my #1. It actually makes me wish I had bought a doppler sooner, but I was trying to not be so crazy! (Obviously it's working...)
We did discuss the sharp pains and such that I've been having. She said they were pretty standard and that some Tylenol and rest should take care of them, but I voiced my concern on my cervix. Standard length for a cervix right now is 2.5-3cm. Anything shorter than 2.5cm will need to be monitored and possibly put me on bedrest, as the gravity of the babies and fluid and placentas is possibly causing the cervix to shorten. She did a check with her hand and said that it was "High and closed (no dilation) which is very good", but she can't feel all of my cervix to measure the length. Therefore, I have another ultrasound scheduled tomorrow to make sure that it's holding up. Fingers crossed that it's staying solid and we don't have to talk about bedrest or anything like that!
As for everything else baby related, we ordered the cribs off of Amazon Mom (which I'm a member of due to Amazon Prime). They had a deal where if you bought a select style crib, you got a mattress for free. So we bought two and got two mattresses for about $380! Not a bad deal! Also, my mom bought us the Snug-A-Monkey swing from Target. With purchasing that when she did, she got the matching bouncer for free...can you tell we're all about deals with these babies?! So on my long. long list of things we need for the babies, we can cross of mattresses, cribs, swing and bouncer. Slowly making progress!! Next big purchase to come up is the carseats. I'm going to put that on our registries though.
Like I normally do, after this post will be the follow up, monthly quiz along with belly pic. I know you're all dying to see how much I look like a whale, haha.
Until next time, lots of love and baby dust!
Saturday, January 5, 2013
14 weeks
Pregnancy Survey Fun!
How Far Along: 14 weeks 2 days
Weight Gain: 5 lbs
Innie or Outtie: Innie still...should be for a long time.
Maternity Clothes: Got four new shirts for Christmas from my parents. My maternity jeans are getting a bit tight though and I had to use the hairband trick on my normal jeans today, so I should get some new pants soon!
Stretch Marks: How Far Along: I say 9 weeks 6 days, OB says 10 weeks 1 day.
Weight Gain: 3 pound
Innie or Outtie: Innie
Maternity Clothes: Not since my last purchase.
Stretch Marks: Yes. I haven't been diligent about using lotion though. Don't ask my why? I guess I'm just super lazy. I'm surely gonna pay for it!
Sleep: Still doing fine, but I think I will soon be off of stomach/side sleeping. I'm also ready for a body pillow!
Pregnancy Perk: Getting out of doing things I don't want to do or anything else I can use it as an excuse for.
Embarrassing Pregnant Moment: My expanding gut and people commenting on it. Also my pregnancy brain is kicking in and Curtis makes sure to point it out endlessly.
Baby Purchases this week: None still :( We got the gender prediction, but we don't want to jinx it.
Best quote regarding baby this week: "TWO BABIES!! But you're so small!!" - owner of a Chinese food restaurant in town. Everyone else says otherwise, much to my dismay.
Gender: Prediction of Boy and Girl!! Will confirm February 13th.
Movement: Still none, but I'm getting so much gas that I could just not feel it.
Food Cravings: Nothing really stands out.
Food Aversions: Steak.
Labor Signs: Wayyyy too early.
How’s Mama? Still tired, still irritable, but feeling great!
What I am looking forward to: Gender scan :)
Our Baby in Veggie/Fruit Terms: They say Navel Oranges, but the babies usually measure an inch or so behind a singleton (at least they did at 12 weeks), so maybe 3.5 inches now?
Milestones: Passed the Nuchal tests and are in the 2nd trimester!
Long Overdue
I just looked back at my last post and Eeeek! It's been a LONG LONG time since I've updated you guys. I seriously am crazy sorry, but I have some good excuses:
- Stepkiddo was in town for Christmas!! We got almost two whole weeks with him (December 24th to January 4th) and it was great. We also got the opportunity to tell him that he was going to be a big brother to two precious babies. He took it the way I think any other 8 year old would, he's excited but more concerned about presents and video games. Haha. We'll see how he does in the summer when he's back and they arrive. Excuse number one!!
- We bought our first house!! It's super exciting and we're all moved in, still trying to get settled, but we're having so much fun thinking of ideas for paint and how to make this house truly ours. As I'm sure most of you know, the process of buying a house, especially around Christmas, is hectic and took up a majority of our time. Excuse number two!!
So as you can see, we've had quite a full plate for the last month! Don't fret though, I hope to be back on track as far as my blogging goes. I will have much more to talk about, like nursery ideas and the GENDER of each baby and names and, of course, more dreaded belly pics! (Please contain your excitement). So, without further adieu, here;s an update on our little babies:
- Nuchal Test: Both passed! We are looking at a 1 in 10,000 chance of downs with them.
- We even got a gender prediction (emphasis on prediction) of a boy and a girl, EEEEEKKKK!!! I'm sure hoping that ultrasound tech is right!
- We will find out the genders for sure on February 13th. Early Valentine's present for us.
- My uterus is now right below my belly button. Maybe pretty standard for you guys, but that is just crazy to me. From something that used to be the size of my fist, to now my entire lower stomach? What?! The female body does some serious stuff during gestation guys.
Other than all that, the babies and I are doing just perfect! Like I did before, I'll give you another post complete with survey and belly picture. I hope all of you are doing well and had a wonderful Christmas (or whatever holiday you may celebrate with your family). Here's to 2013 and having another fun-filled year! My wish, besides a continued healthy pregnancy and two healthy babies, is that all of you get your hearts desires.
Much love and Baby dust!
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