Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Registry Fun

On Sunday Curtis and I ventured out to the big city in order to work on our registry at Babies-R-Us.

What. An. Experience.

First off we get the gun and Curtis immediately takes possession. He did not let me have it besides the minute he had to use the restroom. I'm not even kidding. Sometimes I forget that even though we have the step-kiddo, Curtis didn't get to experience all of the typical things with babies/newborns as he was in the military when Baby Mama was pregnant with James. So I tend to let him have his fun with certain things...to an extent. Of course, he walked through Babies-R-Us scanning everything with his "little princess" in mind. I will admit though, it was very adorable and made me very giddy to see how excited he was.

Ok, enough gushing about how cute my husband is....

I went in to Babies-R-Us with a short list I had compiled and the impression that we would just go down each aisle and scan what we need. HOLY COW DO WE NEED A LOT! I'm not going to lie, I got about halfway through one side of the store and was basically overwhelmed with it all. I'm still going back to the registry online and adding more things that my Mother or Sister point out that we forgot. I still feel like we're not getting enough of certain things (blankets, crib sheets, cloth diapers to use as burp cloths, bottles, etc), but I think we won't know until the babies actually get here. It's even more difficult to pick things when I'm not sure if they will be colicky (therefore requiring a certain bottle) or if one will have an allergy to a specific brand of diapers (hence me not buying diapers yet, which kind of panics me). When I stop to think about all of it, I just want to sit down in one of the gliders and have someone else do it for me. Thankfully we're making a trip down to my hometown next weekend so that my Mom can help me put some more finishing touches on it. We still have plenty of time before the baby showers (no dates have been set), so I am hoping we'll get it all settled by then.

In the meantime, wish us LOTS of luck! And feel free to check out the registry, Name: Lindsay Henderson, and leave some comments on anything else I might need. I am totally up for suggestions!!

1 comment:

  1. I bought the book "Baby Bargains" and it was the best thing I purchased. It saved me so much and kept me from overpaying for things and it gave ratings on everything. I carried it everywhere. Not knowing which products were the best for my money was the hardest part for me and this completely solved the problem.
