Friday, January 6, 2012

Round 2...if you could even consider it a round

Remember how I told you to call me Murphy from now on? Well, let me rest my case:
Today I had my ultrasound to check my follicle growth from the 5mg of Femara I was on. The ultrasound lady in my doctor's office was out today, so they had to send me to a fertility clinic (like with my HSG) with a Reproductive Endocrinologist. Dr. A was hands down the nicest doctor I have ever met, besides my doctor of course. He made me feel so comfortable and seemed genuinely interested in my case. Maybe it was because he went to college with my doctor and they are apparently "old pals", maybe it was because I actually did my hair and makeup today...I'll never know. Actually, I think that's how RE's are supposed to be. Regardless, he determined, from my ultrasound, that I indeed have PCOS to the highest degree, and that the Femara medication is just.not.working. He said that by looking at my follicles, I wasn't going to ovulate again this month. Apparently they prefer to see follicles that are 2mm big. Mine were measuring as Nurse C put it, "Little Bitty guys..". Ha ha ha-obviously. So the Get Lindsay Knocked Up Plan has officially been moved in revision C: 100mg of Clomid here we come!! And the good news is that I don't have to take another dose of Provera (progesterone) and wait for Aunt Flow to rear her ugly head. I can start taking the Clomid tonight...or as soon as I go pick up my script for Wally World. Then, in 11 days, I get another ultrasound to see how those folly-babies are responding. At $320 a pop, I'm not too excited to have another one in 3 weeks, but I'm hoping that this upcoming one won't be in vain.

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck with the Clomid. I absolutely hated being on it, but it really does work!
