Monday, November 14, 2011

Spoke too soon??

Now, whether or not the story I'm about to tell you is related to the Femara or not, I don't know. I will admit that I am genuinely a very emotional person. I cry. A lot. A LOT-a lot. When I'm on my period, about to start my period, a good 20 days in to my cycle, happy, sad, mad, touched, anytime. I literally cried for about the first 20 minutes of that Robert DeNiro movie Everybody's Fine  because that poor man just wanted to see his kids and they didn't want to go see him and HOW COLD HEARTED ARE YOU?! THAT MAN LOVES YOU MORE THA-well, you get the point.
Last night Curtis was on another graveyard shift. As he will be for the next 3 nights. We got in to a bit of a tiff a couple hours in to his shift (more like me angry at him and him apologizing) and I guess it just stuck with me. When I climbed in to bed, I felt so lonely that I just started to cry. I texted him that I couldn't sleep and he called me to try and make me feel better, but nothing was working. I was sad and lonely and missed him and didn't want to sleep by myself *pout*. I told him I felt even more lonely because I have to take the Femara for the next 4 more days and 3 of those he is gone. I know, always the drama queen. That's me! Finally just talking to him was making me feel better so I was able to get some sleep. Not good sleep by any means, but some sleep. Why "not good sleep"? Well...this calls for a new paragraph.
I. AM. THE. BIGGEST. SCAREDY-CAT. EVER. Seriously. This morning the floor in the kitchen shifted making my back door make a creaking noise and I about jumped out of my skin. Once again, always the drama queen! Well, the last time Curtis was on graveyard, I had one of the hardest nights in a long time. Have you ever heard of Old Hag Syndrome? I didn't hear about it until a year or so ago and basically, it happened to me that night. I know, I KNOW, that it's also known as sleep paralysis and has something to do with the state of sleep I'm in, body vs. mind, etc. But while it's happening, all I could think is Old Hag Syndrome! I had to sleep with the damn light on like a child. Ever since then I've been terrified it's going to happen again. You see, I am overwhelmingly, irrationally scared of all things ghosts and demons. I can't watch Paranormal Activity. I can't even think about them before bed or I can't sleep. Especially when Curtis is gone. So needless to say, I think I will be Tylenol PM drugging myself for the next 3 nights to try and get some sleep since I'm a big, fat chicken.

And I guess we'll see if my mini-breakdown was cause of the Femara or if it is because I'm a freaking girl. It may be a long 3 nights, so stick around...just don't judge me :)

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