Sunday, November 13, 2011

Let the estrogen overload begin

Today marks day 3 of my cycle, thus also being day 1 of taking the Femara my doctor prescribed. So far, so good, but then again I also took my first dose about 5 hours ago. I take two pills daily and I'm making sure that I take them with food as google told me that can help the symptoms. I am supposed to continue this for the next five days. Tomorrow I have to call the doctor and set up an ultrasound for around cycle day 11-12 to track my follicle growth. Then so on and so forth with the Get Lindsay Knocked Up Plan until either baby or my doc will no longer allow me to take the medication. Hopefully the former of course!! In the meantime, I'll keep you guys updated on the symptoms and how the plan is chugging along. I know you guys are so excited to be reading all my over sharing, so don't fret, I will continue to keep it coming!

A few other updates: My grandfather, better known as Pop, is currently in the hospital. About 5 years ago he had some fluid building up behind his lungs (one specifically, but I can't remember which) and he had to have a procedure to prevent it from continuously occurring. Well, it's happening again, but this time to the other lung.  At first we were unsure if the doctors were willing to even operate on him, but they finally decided that they would. Then my Pop decided that he was not going to have the operation. You see, after the last one, they had to intubate him for about 24 hours. Due to his high blood pressure, they couldn't keep him sedated so he remembers EVERYTHING from that experience. He hated it so much that once he was healthy enough, he had a DNR put in place. Bringing us back to the present day, he told all of us that he was refusing the procedure due to him having to be intubated afterwards. Luckily for us, the surgeon is willing to do what she can to keep him sedated, as long as his blood pressure allows it. That's if he even needs to be intubated at all this time around! Last time there was a severe infection in the fluid, this time there is no indication of any infection at all. So he finally agreed to have the procedure!! It was such a relief to us because had he still refused, he was looking at possible hospice. They can only drain the fluid a couple more times and it's building  up to 1 liter in a weeks time. I would've hated to hear a "time frame" on him had he continued to be stubborn.

The surgery is scheduled for Monday and I'm really upset that I have to miss it. I wish that I was able to be there, even just to see him for a few minutes, but unfortunately I am out of vacation time at work. Between family Vegas trip, infertility appointments, and getting my stepson for the summer, I used up just about every hour that I have. I did take last Thursday and Friday off to be with him prior to the surgery, so I do feel a bit better, but it's still emotional for me. My pop is like a father to me, even walked me down the aisle at my wedding...he just means the world to me. I'm hoping that after he recovers he is able to regain some comfort and confidence to go back to carrying out daily activities. I know that has hurt him the most in all of this. I had to get my pride from somewhere! In the meantime, please keep him and my family in your thoughts and prayers. 

Update numero dos: I had my blood drawn last week to check my glucose and cholesterol levels to be sure that I'm not pre-diabetic. I was going to request Metformin along with the Femara if I was. Diabetes runs in my family pretty heavily, so it was about time that I got checked, considering I'm also overweight. Thankfully those test came back completely normal! That's one of the first tests that I have done, besides my HSG, that has come back without complications. It's kind of nice...

I had another update, but to be honest I have completely forgotten what it was. Can I blame forgetfulness on these pills?? Well, either way, I'm going to because I can. Oh, and someone please call and check on me and Curtis for the next 5 days? Just a little, "Hey...still alive?...awesome. Bye!" We just bought a new 12 gauge shotgun over the weekend (since I'm alone so often overnight) so the fact that it coincided with my pill-popping-extravaganza has worried a few people in our close circle. I'm kidding, I'm kidding...but seriously. Just call.

Until next time my friends! 

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