Friday, September 28, 2012

Baseline Ultrasound - Round 7 Kickoff

This morning was my cycle day 3 baseline ultrasound to check for cysts and any abnormalities that would cause me to not be able to take Clomid and continue on with this round. Since I like to keep you in suspense, although if you are friends with me on Tumblr or Facebook, you already know the answer, let me start from the beginning:

In an effort to make my boss a bit more comfortable with the time off during our treatment rounds, my RE gave me an order to try and get an ultrasound in our small town. BIG MISTAKE. First off, they didn't want to even give me an appointment for today. Their "next opening wasn't until October 1st". No-can-do's-ville Babydoll*!! I need one on Friday. I explained my situation and she forwarded me to the ultrasound tech herself. I begged, pleaded, explained again and she said, "Yea, I can squeeze you in at 9am. Be sure to drink 16oz before the test". No problem!
Now, because I am a worrywort, I called yesterday again to confirm. The scheduler/receptionist said that I was indeed to go in and to be there at 8:30am to register. Piece of Cake! I told the tech I'd be there at 4am if I had to!
I get to the hospital at 8:30, register, and wait. And wait. And wait. I wait so much I almost pee my pants. I tell the receptionist/schedule/stank-eye-giver that, "I know I'm supposed to have a full bladder, but I am about to pee my pants right here in front of her window." She proceeds to hand me a cup that you get from one of those Sparkletts water things and says, "If you can fill this up, and stop, you will relieve some pressure, but still have a full bladder." I grab the cup and run. Let me tell you this: Stopping peeing when you have to go as bad as I did full on SUCKS. I don't even know how to describe it, but I wanted to cry. Even more so when 45 minutes later, I was still waiting. Finally, at 10-EFFING-O-CLOCK I got called back to the room. Now, obviously this tech was just following protocol, but I'm almost POSITIVE that I did not need an outer-pelvic ultrasound (therefore needing the full bladder), BUT SHE DID IT ANYWAY. You know those ultrasounds? The ones where they push on your bladder/vagina region**? All the while I'm clenching my pee muscles so hard they are going to be sore the next day. UGH.
Finally she stops torturing me, lets me go pee and we go on with the vaginal ultrasound. She slides the probe in and giggles, "Oh, you still have a full bladder!". HURR HURR HURR. That means I still could've peed more that that measly cup and still had a full bladder for your procedure. HURR EFFING HURR.
Anyway, I explain, AGAIN, the reason for the ultrasound. She says that so far she is not seeing any cysts and that I have 10 antrial follicles on the one ovary and 12 on the other. Did I also mention that she had a coughing fit while the probe was up my va-jay-jay? And that she dropped a golf ball size dollop of lube on my sneakers? Yea, good times.
Now, once again, because I have no patience, I call my RE and tell the nurse what the tech said. I also explained that "urgent" doesn't really mean as much to them as it does to us, so they might not see the ultrasound results until later this afternoon, but could I please, please take my Clomid now?? She said that it was fine if I started my Clomid and that if the results showed something abnormal, they would call me and tell me to stop. I also informed her that if we have to have another round next month, I will be commuting to the big city for my ultrasound. The hospital just doesn't understand and I saved NO time with staying in town. At least now we know though!

So there ya have it! I ingested my 75mg around 11:15am and I can happily (cough-sarcasm-cough) say I am already feeling slight hot flashes. Oh Clomid, how I have missed thee. Anyhooo, our monitoring appointment is next Thursday, so hopefully my response is good and we can get on with this IUI!

As always, when I know more, you will too! Hope you all have a great weekend! I'm headed to Tucson to help my Brother and future Sister-in-law move in to their new house, so it should be interesting!

Lots of love and baby dust!

*What tv show is that from?? Hint: Yellow Umbrella, Ex-Dougie Houser, Haaaaaave you met Ted?
**I obviously have no idea where any organs are located, so if my bladder is not in that general region, my bad!

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